Traffic Lawyer
עודכן לאחרונה ב יוני 21, 2021 ע"י חיים אליה
If you are in trouble with the law, then you need someone who knows the law. In general, criminal leading law firms help those charged with crimes or misdemeanours. However, there are specialized attorneys that handle particular legal problems. Traffic lawyers, for example, offer advice and representation to clients dealing with motoring and transport problems
If you are the subject of a criminal investigation, then you need a criminal lawyer who can deal with the substantive issues of the crimes you have been accused of committing. In many instances, a criminal defence lawyer can stop charges from ever being filed. Indeed, one of the most important jobs of a criminal defence attorney is to challenge the findings of the prosecution or other state office
Receiving a traffic violation ticket can leave you feeling helpless, especially if you feel your case has been mistreated. Too often, people neglect to pay off their tickets, fearing the reproach awaiting them in the courthouse. One of the best solutions is to hire a traffic violation attorney to represent your case. Whether you’ve committed a civil traffic violation, like a speeding ticket, or a more serious criminal traffic violation, like a DUI, refer judgment to a legal professional as soon as possible. This will give you peace of mind that your case is handled by someone who has your best interests at heart, and can defend you in the court of law
You can always opt for free expert advice from various attorneys, who can give you a consultation at no cost to you. They’ll let you know if you have a case, and what the risks and rewards may be should the traffic violation go to trial. If you choose to hire an attorney they will, ideally, fight your case on your behalf and represent you in court to the best of their ability
When hiring an attorney look for these key factors to help you make a better decision
Choosing a traffic attorney in North does not have to be a difficult task, as long as you know what you desire through traffic attorney. First, you need to know the traffic violation that you will be fighting. Although this seems obvious, it is essential to make sure that you are aware of the exact traffic violation that you are charged with so that when you contact your traffic attorney you will be able to efficiently describe your needs. Accident lawyers deal with a number of cases that stem from auto accidents to accidents on the job
Auto accident lawyers defend their clients rights and must know a plethora of laws that protect people, such as workman’s compensation rights. Lawyers can work with insurance companies, to ensure claims are processed properly and to guarantee the victim gets all benefits they are owed
Accident lawyers, specifically car lawyers, take care to provide the best service to the victim. Whether the person suffered from a dog bite or was struck in an auto accident, accident lawyers are on the side of the victim. Accidents occur every day and everywhere, and accident lawyers must be prepared to handle large caseloads. There are a number of people that get involved in accidents and do not seek the help of a lawyer, but it is probably best to do so in order to ensure all rights are given
Do not underestimate the consequences of a traffic citation as traffic convictions can sometimes mean you have been convicted of a crime. If you do not know the system, then you do not know the options available to perhaps lessen the charge(s) or get them dismissed. By taking the help a traffic attorney to follow the suitable steps for traffic defence, you can not only avoid having a bad driving record but also can protect your driving privileges
עורך דין תעבורה חיים אליה
חיים אליה עורך דין לתעבורה ומשפט פלילי, עו"ד אליה סיים תואר ראשון ותואר שני במשפטים בהצלחה יתרה, עו"ד חיים אליה אף בוחן תנועה וחוקר תאונות דרכים, קרי, כמי שמגיש לבית המשפט חוו"ד משפטית על אירוע תאונה ומי הגורם האחראי לה ו/או חוקר במסגרת חקירה נגדית את הבוחן תנועה במקרה של תאונת דרכים, עשה דרכו במשטרה. כמו גם, מרצה בכיר (ומרכז אקדמי) לעורכי דין אחרים בתחום נהיגה בשכרות בלשכת עורכי הדין . למשרד הצלחות מוכחות רבות בתחום משפט הפלילי ודיני תעבורה, משרד עורכי דין אליה ברשות עורך דין חיים אליה, מונה עוד מספר עורכי דין במחלקות שונות ובענפי משפט שונים. במחלקה הפלילית ייחודיות וחשיבה אסטרטגית – ייצוג בכל בתי המשפט ברחבי הארץ, במגוון עבירות - אלימות במשפחה, עבירות מין, עבירות רכוש, ייצוג בהליכי מעצר ימים / תום הליכים, ייעוץ לפני חקירת משטרה, ייצוג בוועדות שליש בכלא. הן עברייני נוער בדגשים על חוק הנוער, והן בגירים ובדין הרגיל. בתחום דיני התעבורה ייצוג במגוון עבירות: נהיגה בשכרות נהיגה, תחת השפעת סמים, מהירות מופרזת נהיגה בזמן פסילה, נהיגה ללא רישיון, פסילות מנהליות דוחות תנועה/ קנסות, תיקי משרד התחבורה, מעצרים.